
There is a contest running on EveryDayFiction. The site gives ten words, you must use at least four, plus there is a saying which is optional as a theme. The maximum word count is 250 words. The contest is open for submissions for eight days, and I’ve decided to write a new piece each day. At the end I’ll select one as my entry. What I’ve learned so far: There […]

Narrative of the Seahawks

I’m a pretty big fan of the Seattle Seahawks. I don’t bleed blue and green or have a room full of swag, but I do have an official NFL football autographed by Mack Strong. My fandom goes back to the days of Zorn to Largent and Krieg to Largent, followed by years and years of enduring the mediocrity. I remember spending the Christmas holidays of 1999 at my brother’s place […]

Waiting to start again

The past month has been no writing. Some fiction reading, some learning from “The Longman Guide to Intermediate and Advanced Fiction Writing”, but no writing. My brain has been in a fog, uninspired, drained by a month spent moving from one house to another. If you’re moving, take my advice; don’t try to do it slowly. Too much wasted time and effort picking and choosing what to move first and […]