Writing Analysis: Cat Person

I’m not a woman and perhaps my perspective will miss the boat for many readers of this wildly popular story published in The New Yorker but my objective is to do writing analysis; there will be no “How To Reply When Asked About ‘Cat Person’” or “My True Life ‘Cat Person’ Experience”.First, a list of elements (not events but factors that reappear, in varied guises, throughout): Acting as trained/expected (previously […]

The Writing Process

I thought it might be worthwhile to summarize my writing process. This is based on the two most recent stories but the process has been similar for many years. Envision a setting, situation, or character. Write a sentence. Write a second sentence Read what I’ve written Change a phrase Write a third sentence, extending the flow and increasing the breadth. Read. Correct a typo. Fix a shift in tense. Get […]

Reading Across Genres

I like to read across genres. Some years back I discovered Google’s list of best books of 2012 and I read them without paying attention to what the title might hint, reserving judgement as long as I could. The 2013 list wasn’t as good and that was the last I saw. Since then I haven’t found a reliable way of finding material across genres worth looking at. Recently I realized […]